16bytes Studio Apps

星连珠 1.0.1
国人最爱的单人休闲五子游戏,单机/联网、有无Wifi都能玩!老人、小孩、白领,人人都能玩的爱不释手、不亦乐乎。“星连珠”是一款规则超简单、打开就能上手的休闲益智游戏。只要你玩过天天爱消除、开心消消乐、连连看等全民类的游戏,那么你就会玩星连珠。年龄没有限制、场所没有限制,无论是白领、父母、老人,还是学生、孩子;无论你是坐公交、坐地铁,还是你在排队蹲厕所,无论是Wifi网络,还是不联网,随时都可以开始玩,随时可以暂停,让每一刻的时间,都有趣、有的玩。星连珠与五子连珠、五子棋类似,但更具有趣味性。不论是横排、竖排还是斜向,想尽办法将同一颜色的五个及五个以上连成一排,把他们统统消灭Single people lovecasualgames five children, single / networking, with or withoutWifi canplay!The elderly, children, white collar, everyone can play thelove,joy."Star Pente" is a super-simple rules, you can get startedopencasual puzzle game. As long as you played every day, lovetoeliminate, happy Diminshing music, Lianliankan games like allthepeople, then you will play the star Pente.Age is no limit, no limit places, whether it iswhite-collarworkers, parents, the elderly, students or children;whether youtake a bus, subway, or do you line up squatting in thetoilet,either Wifi network, networking or not, you can always startplay,pause at any time, so that every moment of time, have fun,someplay.Star and Five or Pente, backgammon similar, but moreinteresting.Whether horizontal, vertical or oblique, to find waysto use thesame color even more than five and five in a row toeliminate themall